Top International NGOs in the World

international ngos
Gathering items to be donated to charity. Items are placed on a futon that will also be donated. Items are added to the collection as the shoot progresses. Clothes to Household items.

Since the last fifty years or so, the importance of International NGOs (INGOs) in the world has been highlighted more than ever. The trans-national or organizations without borders concept has given a new meaning to the concept of an NGO. Just like interests associated with multinational corporations force states to alter their policies, the fieldwork done by NGOs in different countries depicts their importance as well. In today’s discussion, we are going to talk about the top 20 international NGOs in the world. Let us see, how many of these have you heard of already!

1- Transparent Hands

Transparent Hands is one of the biggest crowdfunding platforms in Pakistan and top international NGOs in the World. Donors from all over the world send their donations using the NGOs’ web portal. The donations raised are used to provide primary medical amenities as well as assistance for advanced surgical procedures to those who belong to the underprivileged section of the community. All affairs conducted at Transparent Hands reflect transparency. This crowdfunding platform also gives the facility to their donor to plan their donations on different occasions Like Dhul Hijjah DonationsEid-ul-Adha Donations, Christmas Donations, Thanksgiving Donations, and Ramadan Donations.

2- The Wikimedia Foundation

Who hasn’t used Wikipedia at least once in their life? This and many other projects of informative nature make The Wikimedia Foundation a unique sort of international NGO. One that believes in information’s importance rather than the profits that can be generated by selling it.


This prestigious NGO has the prestige of being the biggest NGO in the world. Originally concerned with sustainability projects and micro-financing in Bangladesh, BARC has expanded its area of services to many other countries of the world as well.

4- Acumen fund

Ever heard of angel investors? The nice folks or the organizations that help out start-ups with the seed money? Well, this New York-based organization is just an angel investor, but one with wings big enough to hide many start-ups under its shelter.

5- Danish Refugee Council

Since World War Two shook the world and caused a massive refugee issue, the Danish Refugee Council is on the move. It provides legal support to refugees as well as protects their fundamental human rights.

5- Partners in Health

This is one of the most eminent global health NGOs. Started from Haiti and now serving in many countries of the world, this INGO believes in poverty alleviation. Once a patient has enough funds, he or she can afford an expensive medical treatment with much more ease.

6- Ceres

There are many NGOs that have realized the gravity of climate change, both at the local and international levels. One such INGO is Ceres. Core issues addressed at Ceres include water scarcity, bioenergy, sustainability, and a cleaner environment.

7- CARE International

The portfolio of services is quite a diverse one, but the main issues addressed at CARE INGO include global poverty and female empowerment. Currently, CARE is operational in more than 84 countries in the world.

8- Médicins sans Frontières

Providing medical help to those who need it on an immediate basis is the key role of this INGO. However, its ability to bear witness is what sets it apart from many other INGOs providing similar sort of relief and rescue services.

9- Cure Violence

Domestic violence has many forms, but the feuds that end up with the use of arms are the worst ones. Cure Violence is an NGO that is trying hard to minimize the intensity of interpersonal violence, on a global level.

10- Mercy Corps

Concerned with relief and recovery programs, Mercy Corps is active in more than 41 countries as of now. The organization vows to speed up the process of recovery after a natural calamity or disaster of any sort. Long term rehab of the rescued people is the ultimate objective.

11- Apopo

Hidden landmines in more than 60 countries are causing major life and land losses. Apopo tackles this problem by using what they call Hero-Rats, sniffing creatures that can forewarn a farmer about the existence of a hidden landmine.

12- Root Capital Handicap International

Financing small agricultural enterprises are the mission of this INGO, something that it has been doing since the last 20 years or so. This international NGO has disbursed more than $1.3 billion to more than 6800 businesses in different African, Asian, and Latin American countries.

13- IRC

IRC stands for the international rescue committee, it is the American branch of the European International Relief Organization. Helping out victims of civil oppression in many countries is its prime job.

14- Barefoot College

Following the ideology of Gandhi, The Barefoot College is an international organization that is engaged in many projects of socio-economic nature. Empowerment and sustainability are the key themes that govern the operations of this India based INGO.

15- Landesa

This nonprofit organization chants that securing land rights for the world’s poorest people is its mission. The INGO partners with governments to secure land rights for oppressed people living in rural areas. Catchy name too, right? 

16- Ashoka

They call them the Ashoka fellows, the elected members of this large network of social entrepreneurs, serving in more than 93 countries. Ashoka believes in providing start-up finances to businesses in the countries it is providing its services in.

17- Once Acre Fund

One Acre Fund believes in farmers first. This INGO uses all the resources at its disposal to help the farmers increase their yield and overall productivity.

18- Clinton Health Access Initiative

Well, this is an initiative launched by the Clinton foundation. And we all are aware of what Clintons are capable of, aren’t we? Anyhow, an amazing way of helping those who need our help with their health-related necessities.

20- Heifer International

The scarce amount of milk provided to refugees during the Spanish civil war had Dan West, a farmer, thinking differently. He envisioned a cow for each refugee instead of a cup of milk they were getting every day. And that is how, the Heifer International came into being, way back in 1944!


This is just the tip of the iceberg, and even that is an exaggeration. There are so many international NGOs in the World operating around the clock that we cannot possibly mention them all here. However, we do hope that this article will serve as an insight for you, into the diverse world of international organizations in the world!