How many Muhurats are there in a day?

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Muhurat, also known as auspicious time, is a unit of time that is considered to be favorable for certain activities. According to Hindu astrology, there are several muhurats in a day, each of which is meant for different tasks. Therefore, In this article, we’ll take a look at how many muhurats there are in a day and what activities they’re meant for.

What is a muhurat?

A muhurat is a special time slot during the day that is considered to be auspicious for undertaking important tasks. There are generally four muhurats in a day, with each one lasting for two hours.

The first muhurat of the day is known as the Brahma Muhurta, which occurs between 4am and 6am. This muhurat is said to be particularly auspicious for starting new projects or undertaking journey.

The second muhurat is the Abhijit Muhurta, which occurs between 12 noon and 2pm. So, This muhurat is said to be especially good for taking exams or signing important documents.

The third muhurat is the Madhyahna Muhurta, which occurs between 6pm and 8pm. Hence, This muhurat is said to be good for taking important decisions or starting new ventures.

The fourth and final muhurat of the day is the Sayana Muhurta, which occurs between 10pm and 12am. This muhurat is said to be good for planning and preparing for the future.

The different types of muhurats

There are four types of muhurats in a day:

1. Morning Muhurat: The best time to start new ventures, projects or tasks.

2. Noon Muhurat: The most auspicious time for beginnings relating to travel.

3. Evening Muhurat: The ideal time to start religious ceremonies and wedding functions.

4. Night Muhurat: Perfect for starting any task that requires mental concentration and focus.

The importance of Choghadiya muhurats

There are a total of 24 muhurats in a day, with each muhurat lasting for 48 minutes. Of these, 12 muhurats are classified as ‘good’ and the remaining 12 as ‘bad’. The good muhurats are further divided into four groups of three muhurats each, while the bad muhurats are divided into two groups of six muhurats each. Hence, This Choghadiya Muhurat is checked or used to identify the sacred time of Puja during the day and at night. To start the journey for an important work, Chaughadia Muhurat is used.

The first group of three good muhurats is known as the Brahma Muhurta and is considered to be the most auspicious time to start any new activity. The second group is known as the Madhyahna Muhurta and is considered to be an auspicious time for religious ceremonies. The third group is known as the Abhijit Muhurta and is considered to be an auspicious time for travel. The fourth and final group is known as the Aparahna Muhurta and is considered to be an auspicious time for business dealings. The first group of six bad muhurats is known as the Rahu Muhurta and is considered to be inauspicious for any new activity.

How to calculate muhurats?

There are a total of 96 muhurats in a day, which are determined by the movements of the sun and moon. To calculate the muhurat or to check aaj ka choghadiya muhurat for your specific purpose. Hence, you will need to consult an astrologer or use a muhurat calculation tool.

Muhurats for different purposes

There are a total of 24 muhurats in a day, each lasting for about 2 hours. The first muhurat is called the Brahma Muhurat and is considered to be the most auspicious time for starting new ventures. As a result, The remaining 23 muhurats are categorized based on their suitability for different purposes like travel, study, work, etc.

Therefore, The best time for starting any journey is during the third muhurat called the Madhyahna Muhurat. Similarly, the fifth muhurat called the Aparahna Muhurat is considered to be ideal for beginning studies. For undertaking any kind of work, the seventh muhurat called the Prahara Muhurat is considered to be auspicious.

So, depending on what you want to do, you can choose from any of these 24 muhurats in a day!


Therefore, From the above discussion, we can conclude that there are twenty-four Muhurats in a day. Out of these, six muhurats are considered to be highly auspicious and are known as ‘Shubh Muhurats’. These Shubh Muhurats are perfect for starting new ventures or undertaking important tasks. SO, The other eighteen Muhurats are also good for starting new things but they may not bring as much success as the Shubh Muhurats. So, if you want to ensure success in your endeavours, it is best to start them during the Shubh Muhurats.

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