Top 9 Responsibilities of Marketing you should know


Many companies have turned their marketing departments into a mixed bag. They do many tasks that are not related in most cases.

You may wonder What Do You Do in a Marketing Job? A common situation in which a task is assigned to a company is when the question:

  • Is it related to the purchasing department?
  • Is it related to the commercial department?
  • It is for accounting?
  • This is the role of the marketing department.

You wouldn’t think of a company without its marketing department, or at the very least a manager. Every company knows that marketing is essential to communicate its message to customers.

What are the obligations of a marketing team?

This post will cover 10 areas that fall under the purview of the marketing department. They are all vital to the survival of your business.


Pay attention to the customer’s needs

It is important to talk to the client to understand their needs. Marketing departments must plan how to get feedback.

  • The company’s internal channels: Conduct surveys and collect information from sales staff and customer service (the closest departments to the customer) to help improve or reorient future marketing strategies.
  • Channels outside of the company: Create actions and perform searches on social networks to better understand users’ needs to convert them to customers.


Keep an eye out for the competition and follow trends

Similar to the last point, it’s important to understand the company’s position in the market as well as the position relative to the competition.

Transmit brand values and work with them

A brand, conceptually speaking, is the expression of the emotions and products of a company. Marketing is responsible for creating and disseminating messages, images, and ideas that best convey the brand’s values.

You must also ensure that all departments within your company transmit these messages in a consistent, unifying manner.

Coordinate efforts with marketing partners

There are many collaborators in the marketing of a company: designers, printers, journalists, consultants… All of these collaborators need to align their work with the company’s objectives. It is the department that has to control this.


Customers must be surprised and they will demand more from you every day. The departments must focus on new promotions, affiliate programs, customer retention techniques, and conversion improvements for their messages and actions.

It’s not about inventing new disruptive actions. You will find innovation in the smallest details and continuous improvement.

Communicate with other members of the company

A company is a group of people who share the same goal: to achieve their mission and maximize profits.

A chain can only be as weak as its weakest link. No matter how well the commercial or production departments do their jobs if the marketing department fails the whole company will fail and all the other departments will suffer. Marketing must align its actions with the company’s overall objectives and information about its work.

Improve customer service and sales processes

As you can see, the marketing department is responsible for understanding the emotions of users and customers.

Calculate your return on investment for shares

Marketing activities require time, money, and effort. It is also important to compare stocks. You may be asked questions like “Should I invest in telemarketing?” What is social media? Traditional media? It is simple: Measure them all, and then, based on the numbers decide.

Define your strategic marketing plan

Long-term strategies are the most profitable. This requires that a document be prepared which includes the following objectives, actions to take, strengths and competition of the company, as well as the target markets. These strategic plans should be aligned with the company’s strategic plan and other department plans.

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