Does Advertising Influence The Consumption Of Tobacco Among Teenagers?

Marketing Assignment Help

Tobacco corporations have spent decades promoting their products to children and teenagers. Big Tobacco has spent a lot of money persuading youngsters to start smoking, from marketing campaigns to product placement to cartoon characters. The tactics are dishonest, obfuscating the truth that Tobacco is the most significant avoidable cause of death in the United States. Tobacco companies need children to start smoking to compensate for the adults who die from tobacco-related diseases. More than 100 children and teenagers who were previously only occasional smokers become daily smokers every day.

Take a look at some of the devious tactics used by cigarette firms to lure children into a life of addiction:

Fruit and candy-flavored items

Vanilla, cherry, chocolate, blueberry, and even cereal tastes are available. Flavorings in cigarettes were banned in 2009, except for menthol cigarettes, although candy and fruit flavorings are still used in flavored cigars, e-cigarettes, and other tobacco products. The Biden Administration stated in April 2021 that the FDA would submit two rules to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars from the market, but no action was taken.

Endorsements by celebrities

Famous names and faces carry a lot of power, so, understandably, a child would aspire to be just like their favorite rock star.

Health Claims That Are False

Since the beginning, the tobacco industry has advertised “reduced damage” versions of their goods. Light, low-tar, or filtered cigarettes, on the other hand, are just as deadly. A federal judge found the leading tobacco firms guilty of racketeering because of their false health claims to the public. The fact is that, during the last 50 years, the risk of dying from Smoking has grown, even while most smokers have shifted to these “healthier” cigarette kinds.

It’s Just a Game to Smoke

Like this 2015/2016 Newport menthol cigarettes commercial, the tobacco industry regularly employs sweepstakes and contests to lure customers and keep the money coming in. Smoking, on the other hand, is far from a game, with up to half of the long-term smokers dying.

Get One Free When You Buy One

Cigarette prices have a substantial impact on teenage Smoking. The tobacco business spends a significant amount of money on marketing, such as buy one and get one free deal. However, even if they are essentially giving them free right now, the tobacco business will return its investment throughout the lives of children who have been hooked to their products.

Advertisements in Popular Magazines

Big Tobacco promotes its message by placing giant advertisements in children’s magazines and periodicals. The more tobacco advertising adolescents and teens are exposed to, the more likely they will start smoking.

Product placement in television and film

Saturday morning cartoons have been a mainstay of American childhoods for the past half-century. Still, Big Tobacco has tainted even this benign experience by putting their products in cartoons and normalizing their appearance to children.

Characters from Cartoons

Joe Camel and other “smooth” cartoon characters were used to appeal to naïve young audiences. Joe Camel was determined to be at least as popular as Mickey Mouse among 3- to 6-year-olds in a 1991 research. Cartoons proved so efficient in addicting children to Tobacco that they were outlawed as part of the historic tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, which was struck in 1998 between 46 states and the District of Columbia, and the five major tobacco firms.

Promotions in-store

Tobacco marketing and promotions are prominently displayed at convenience shops, petrol stations, and other youth-oriented retail venues, including those with pharmacies. It’s no accident that the average height of these ads is at the level of young people’s eyes. Retail stores get the vast bulk of the industry’s marketing spending.

Replacement Smokers 

Tobacco firms aggressively promote teenagers, referring to them as “replacement smokers” because they know they are murdering their present clients.

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